National Security Policy

What is National Security Policy?

National security policy (NSP) is a framework for describing how a country provides security for the state and its citizens, and is often presented as an integrated document. For the purposes of this Backgrounder, NSP will refer to such an integrated document. This document can also be called a plan, strategy, concept or doctrine.

NSP has a present and future role, outlining the core interests of the nation and setting guidelines for addressing current and prospective threats and opportunities. Normally, NSPs are hierarchically superior to other subordinate security policies such as military doctrine, homeland security strategy, etc., which address national security as it concerns specific agencies or issues. It is also distinguished from these other policies by the range of subjects that it addresses, attempting to outline both internal and external threats. Finally, it seeks to integrate and coordinate the contributions of national security actors in response to the interests and threats deemed most important.

Why do states need an NSP?

There are five main reasons for states to have an integrated and detailed NSP:

  • to ensure that the government addresses all threats in a comprehensive manner

  • to increase the effectiveness of the security sector by optimising contributions from all security actors

  • to guide the implementation of policy

  • to build domestic consensus

  • to enhance regional and international confidence and cooperation

National Security Policy Framework​

Long-Term Defense Planning​

Defense Planning is a very complex area that influences future defense effectiveness and efficiency. Defense planning seeks to ensure that a nation has the necessary forces, assets, facilities and capabilities to fulfill its tasks throughout the full spectrum of its missions.

Long term defense planning is a specific planning discipline that is related to the relatively distant future. It faces a lot of difficulties which are consequences of uncertainties and contingencies of the future. Uncertainties and contingencies are a great challenge for defense planners and political decision makers.